Wrap-up 1 - team projects
Generally good
Interesting topics
Papers are pretty well developed
Presentation notes.
Wrap-up 2 - the class
Overview of how NGO’s tackle social/global issues
Service provision, government/NGO collaboration, data collection, aid and distribution, IEC and public education, advocacy, empowerment and skills development, community organizing, campaign development and global collaboration
Review of the diverse skills needed & methods employed.
Skills as the key to social change.
The course changes each year – your input helps me make the course more effective.
Research - info gathering
Service provision - distribution & support
IEC - info dissemination, affect opinions, behaviour modification
Training & self-help - empowerment
Advocacy - policy development
Economic justice – systematic change
Organize communities - stakeholder action
Wrap-up - the state of affairs
There is so much to do.
Non-state actors – NGOs and MNCs - are taking more powerful roles.
Problems are NOT miraculously disappearing!
There is always a need for
new people
innovative ideas.
Wrap up – needs and considerations
Some will tell you - all you need to make a difference is A GOOD HEART or some interest.
BUT that is NOT enough ! You need commitment to
Solve the problem
Achieve concrete outputs
+ the skills to make the change happen.
Needs and considerations
Innovative ideas, an open mind, understand diverse ways of doing & seeing.
Business and Activist skills - admin, org mgt., advocacy, community outreach, research, care, arts, PR, alt media/IT etc.
Approaches at different levels - gov’t, bureaucracy, community, individual, groups
+ you need a positive attitude because these are not problems that are easily solved.
Get involved
You can be a part of the solution to the issues you care about.
Assess your interests and skills.
Do some research - Find out what is available and what is needed.
Reach out to groups.
Join events
Meet people.
Find out what groups are actually doing
Find out with whom you want to work.
Take action and Jump in.
Develop your skills and knowledge.
A Masters and/or PhD helps
But you also need experience, specialized skills and the ability to work in extraordinary situations.
Get experience by volunteering & doing internships
Volunteer work is often the key to a job.
Develop an area of specialization
- this is necessary for a career - not for volunteering.
Learn more!
Beyond awareness
Stay abreast of issues and what is being done.
Get information from diverse sources
Get involved - Avoid being passive
Books on CS, poverty, aid and related issues:
Civil Society, by by Michael Edwards
Global Civil Society Yearbook 2009: Poverty and Activism (Global Civil Society - Year Books) ed. By Ashwani Kumar
The Rise of Global Civil Society: Building Communities and Nations from the Bottom Up by Don Eberly
Dead Aid by Dambisa Moyo http://www.dambisamoyo.com/deadaid.html
The Life You Can Save: Acting Now To End World Poverty by Peter Singer
A Billion Lives: An Eyewitness Report from the Frontlines of Humanity, by Jan Egeland
Making Aid Work, by Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee
Reinventing Foreign Aid, by Nancy Birdsall
Does Foreign Aid Really Work? By Roger C. Riddell
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, by Naomi Klein
Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet, by Jeffrey D. Sachs
The Great Warming: Climate Change and the Rise and Fall of Civilizations, by Brian Fagan
Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business - the Future of Capitalism, by Muhammad Yunus
Out of Poverty: What Works When Traditional Approaches Fail, by Paul Polak
Sites with info and job listings in Japanese:
JICA jobs http://partner.jica.go.jp/search/servlet?FSI_ININO=10&FSI_ID=01¶KN=0001&FSISORT=sort05_desc_txt¶01=0001
TVAC http://www.tvac.or.jp
Yahoo! Volunteer http://volunteer.yahoo.co.jp
NPO Linkletter http://homepage3.nifty.com/npolink/
NGO Network Japan http://www.ngo.ne.jp
Development Executives www.devex.co.jp
Tokyo Community News http://tokyo-community-news.blogspot.com/
NGO job listings outside Japan (Mostly US based websites)
One world net http://www.oneworld.net/jobs/
Nonprofit careers http://www.nonprofitcareer.com/
Opportunity knocks http://www.opportunitynocs.org/
Work for a good cause http://www.work4agoodcause.com/job_locationsearch.asp
Charity Careers http://www.charitycareers.com/do/Home
International development jobs http://www.devnetjobs.org/
Action without borders http://www.idealist.org
Relief net http://www.reliefnet.com
Guidestar http://www.guidestar.com
One world net http://www.oneworld.net/
Thank you and good luck!
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